Welcome to our Number Memory Test! This test is designed to measure your ability to recall
a sequence of numbers. Here are the instructions for taking the test:
1. Find a quiet and well-lit space where you can concentrate without distractions.
2. Make sure that you have a reliable internet connection and that your device is fully
charged or plugged in.
3. Close all other programs and apps on your device to minimize potential
4. Start the test by clicking the designated button or link. The test will consist of a series
of numbers that you will need to recall in order.
5. In the first stage, you will be presented with a sequence of one number. Memorize
the number and wait for the next screen.
6. In the second stage, you will be presented with a sequence of two numbers.
Memorize the sequence and wait for the next screen.
7. In each subsequent stage, the sequence of numbers will increase by one. You will
need to recall the entire sequence in order.
8. Once the test is complete, you will receive your test results and feedback on your
cognitive performance.
Remember that this test is designed for informational purposes only and is not a substitute
for professional medical advice or treatment. If you have any concerns about your cognitive
performance or mental health, we strongly encourage you to seek advice from a licensed
healthcare provider.
Thank you for taking our Short-Term Number Memory Test! We hope that you find the
results informative and useful.